Are You Ready For Hurricane Season? Part 3

During my career working with 3PLs, many clients I have worked with are genuinely good charitable people who truly want to be helpful and solve their customers’ problems. Also, the nature of being a 3PL means they must remain extremely flexible for the type of customers or goods that they handle. This benevolence and flexibility […]
Are You Ready For Hurricane Season? Part 2

Ever been on the beach on a nice sunny day and get a text alert that there’s an incoming storm, but the sun’s out and the weather is beautiful? It always seems to happen when you’re on vacation and a storm comes out of nowhere. How do you stay informed about inbound weather? As my […]
Are You Ready For Hurricane Season? Part 1

Hello 3PL friends, June 1 marks the official start of Hurricane Season. With this date on the horizon, Camelot has teamed up with ALAN to educate and inspire our 3PL partners to take action for the betterment of our local communities and those in need. Please stay tuned for our 4-part blog series offering different […]
Un-Trivial Pursuits (What’s Been Happening During ALAN’s Partners Calls)

I am firmly a Gen-Xer – and I have photos of my hairspray-fueled high school hairstyle to prove it. So when my husband and I recently joined some friends for Trivia Night at a local pub and I learned that one of the categories was “The 1980s” I thought we had the competition in the […]
Try Your Luck With These Disaster-Themed Limericks

It’s St. Patrick’s Day – and in addition to wearing green, we’ve got limericks on the brain. So we decided to try our hand at writing a few in order to share some helpful disaster advice. And since computer-generated copy seems to be the next big craze, we asked ChatGPT to do the same. You’ll […]
Our Perfect Bracket

As I write this, the U.S. is just weeks away from falling under the spell of March Madness. Millions of people eagerly tune into this roundball marathon each year, including many who spend hours putting together what’s known as their brackets. Madness indeed! Reportedly, no one has ever succeeded in building a perfect one (read: […]
All Is Bright

Light is always on my mind at this time of year. Maybe it’s because light figures prominently in the Christmas and Hanukkah stories as well as other holidays that are celebrated this month. Or perhaps it’s because we’re drawing close to the winter solstice, when sunlight is in such short supply (yes, even in sunny […]
(Months) Upon A Time: The Long Tale Of Hurricane Recovery

When you’ve been married as long as I have, a funny thing starts to happen. At some point, you not only feel like you’ve heard your spouse tell a particular story more times than you can count, you also wish you could just fast forward to the end. (Admit it. We’ve all been there!) The […]
They Just Want To Help

I visited Fort Myers today. I’ve been to areas affected by disaster before but rarely so soon afterwards, and what I saw was both heart-breaking and emotionally taxing. I started out at the Harry Chapin Food Bank. Among other things, they lost part of the roof of the building and at least half of […]