ALAN Storm Alert – Isaias


We continue to monitor Hurricane Isaias as it treks through the Caribbean, producing heavy rains with potential to cause life-threatening flooding. This storm comes as we continue to support Hurricane Douglas’ brush with Hawaii, Hurricane Hanna’s strike in South Texas, and the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

What We’re Doing

Yesterday ALAN began checking in with business, government, and nonprofit partners in the Caribbean and along the East Coast of the United States, to assess their readiness and any anticipated needs for logistics support. We’re also closing watching the infrastructure and industries likely to be affected so that we can assist with coordination efforts if and when needed.

What You Can Do

If you are a nonprofit that will be working on this or any crisis event, please share your anticipated or actual needs via our request for assistance forms.

We know the pandemic has stretched everyone’s resources. But if you are a business and still able to offer pro-bono transportation, warehousing, equipment, or expertise, please let us know now. We’ll match your offer with requests for support – together ensuring that those affected by the storm – or any crisis – receive the nourishment, hydration, and medical care they need.

We’ll share any unmatched requests in our Situation Snapshot on our micro-site, where you can always see the latest in logistics needs.

We also want to ensure you have all of the information you need to protect your organizations and employees. We encourage you to log in to or request registration to ALAN’s free Supply Chain Intelligence Center. This is where you’ll find important information on potential impacts to shared infrastructure like roads, ports, airports, and more.

As always, we’d be grateful for your financial support to help us keep the lights on. Donations to fund our work have suffered due to the pandemic. Your gift will allow us to continue our year-round work of serving communities affected by crisis.

Find more ways you can protect your organization, stay up-to-date, and become a part of the solution by checking out our handy STORM check-list.

Thank you for your ongoing support for ALAN – we’re grateful to be working alongside you all!

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